Sell Your House The Easy Way

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6 Signs You Need to Downsize Your House in Eugene

While typically not considered by first-time homebuyers, downsizing homes is a normal process in homeownership evolution; understanding this from the outset can help you plan your moves and look forward to this phase. By recognizing the signs early and knowing when to begin taking steps towards downsizing, you can be ahead of the game. Additionally, … Continued

5 Ways to Utilize Your Proceeds When Selling Your Land in Eugene

Making the best use of your real estate investment funds includes selling your properties when the timing is right. Reinvesting the profit from your sale is fundamental to maintaining a healthy real estate investment business.  Ensuring that all of your investment properties earn the highest possible returns in passive income for your retirement requires dedication. … Continued

5 Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Vacant Land in Eugene

Replacing your income through investments and earning passive income for retirement is the ultimate goal. There are times when holding an investment property may be of less benefit to your financial portfolio than selling. It is imperative to keep your finger on the pulse of the real estate market’s upcoming influential trends. Regular monitoring of … Continued

Having Trouble Paying Your Mortgage During COVID? What 2021 May Look Like For You in Eugene

Having trouble paying your mortgage during COVID? It’s estimated that 400,000 homeowners who qualified for government-backed mortgage forbearance programs did not take advantage of the benefits and are already behind on their mortgages. As the new year approaches, the moratorium on government-backed mortgages ends. Nationally, an average of 1 in 10 homeowners are behind on … Continued

4 Ways Selling Your House Now in Eugene Will Save You Money

Sellers, trying to decide whether to hire an agent or go it alone? This may be the biggest decision of your life. Selling to a professional buyer is an alternative that could save you thousands! Traditional listings leave you facing an unknown end date while taking all the legal risk and paying for all the … Continued

What The Eviction Moratorium Means For Real Estate Investors in Eugene

The ban on evictions is set to expire on December 31st. This was enacted to prevent a wave of evictions that the CDC determined would spread COVID19 through renters. This order applied to those already qualified for the CARES act, who have fallen behind on rent payments, preventing them from being forced into crowded living … Continued

How To Gift Eugene Real Estate to Your Loved Ones This Holiday Season

Real estate makes a great gift! While it may be difficult to find just the right present for cherished family members or dear friends, consider the option of gifting real property this holiday season. There are many reasons real estate makes a perfect gift, whether it’s your wish to provide the security and comfort of … Continued
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